Close your eyes and picture this...
You are ready for your wedding ceremony, you walk out of the hotel and a beautiful white 1934 Plymouth DeLuxe is waiting for you at the door, beaming in the sunlight. Your wedding vehicle is waiting for you, he opens the door and you are on to your magical day in the best possible way...that sounds pretty good, right?
Drive off to your happily ever after in style.
More about “Estelle”…
On August 8, 1934, Walter P. Chrysler drove the one-millionth Plymouth off a Detroit assembly line. It was a 1934 Plymouth PE DeLuxe four-door sedan, much like the one pictured here. It was then exhibited at the Century of Progress exposition in Chicago.
By 1934 the Depression had loosened its stranglehold on the economy a bit, and Plymouth sales rose. Some two-thirds of all Plymouths sold for 1934 were DeLuxes, with the five-passenger, 2,848-pound, four-door sedan the most popular by far. A bargain at $660.